Cutest Rockers!

This is the place for the first designer of the  CUTEST and HIGHEST QUALITY rockers in the world!

We only make rockers because we want to be the best. While so many others make so many different types of products and never master any of them. Our focus is not only rockers, but the CUTEST ROCKERS!

The only American made* rocker company. Our quality is beyond compare! We believe that controlling our production and inspection in our own factory is the only way to insure that quality.

Each rocker is sure to be perfect when it comes out of the box.

It costs a little more. But when your little one gets their unique rocker, you will see the quality first hand. We hope you will agree that it’s worth every penny and the extra effort that goes into each rocker.

Quality is very important to us but creativity is the guiding principle of our company. Our teams of designers and quality managers work side by side until we are satisfied that we have created not only the most unique rockers, but rockers that exude a whimsical charm that sets us apart in an industry full of the ordinary.

This is a safe, durable and entertaining toy for babies and toddlers. It can stimulate their imaginations for hours also providing them with soothing and relaxing motions. Plush rocking horses have been a favorite not only with babies and toddlers but with parents and grandparents for decades. Infants and toddlers love the simple design and soft feel of plush rocking horses and this not only helps them develop motor functions but also helps with tactile development as well.

Your baby or toddler has a sense of adventure and an imagination that is growing and developing. By providing them with a safe and fun way to express themselves, you are helping them to develop into healthy children. Children like to play and what better way than to provide them with toys that enhance their sense of adventure. They will have hours of playtime enjoyment.

*Note that our factory does not do major sewing. We import the fabric skins but the rest of the rocker is manufactured, assembled, inspected and packaged right here in our company owned U.S. factory.