All Natural Dog Treats

Whatever the breed may be, it’s no secret dogs love treats; and dog owners want to give them all natural treats because they are better for them. Our wide selection will keep your pup happy, healthy and engaged. Chews range from 4″ to 12″, you can find the right one for your pet. Made from 100{1f200c46a92dca383e3be5ecc39feea9bdc11cbdbb7434c373bb2b8d56588d59} beef, all-natural from grass fed cattle, no hormones, pesticides or chemicals. Our treats help keep your dog occupied and will relive the instinctual urge to chew. The chewing action helps remove plaque and tartar buildup while providing a safer alternative to rawhide and bones. Nutritious and long-lasting, it’s sure to be a favorite for your dog too.

Odor Free & Naturally Scented

Dog’s are known to have a sense of smell 40 times greater than humans and love to sniff everything and everyone. So they will love these naturally scented treats. The odor comes from the drying process. Sticks that aren’t dried as long, retain more moisture and have a more “natural” scent. So humans however, will be happy with the fact the treats are offer odor-free.

A Size for Every Dog

No matter the size of your Best Friend (in this case my “grand-pups”); we have a size that fits every dog. Choose the right size, this will prevent the possibility of choking. We recommend you purchase the size appropriate for your dog.

Different Shapes

Keep your pup engaged with different types of bully sticks. Sure the straight sticks may be fine, but sometimes you need the occasional ring or spiral. We offer bones, antlers, chews, various accessories and toys.

Light to Aggressive Chewers

It’s no secret dogs love to chew. Whether it’s our shoes, the couch or just about anything really. We have all ranges, from the light chewers such as chihuahuas, dachshunds, and french bulldogs to the more aggressive chewer breeds like pit bulls, rottweilers and german shepherds. We offer something for both as well as chewers in between. Choose from thin, standard, thick, jumbo and monster size treats.

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